Players will have to control the character stuck in a large metal cauldron. It is a platform based video game and very unique from any other adventurous game. This game is based on hiking a mountain, the path is not at all easy. Getting Over It With Bennet Foddy has also won the innovation Nuovo Award at the Independent Games Festival 2018. At first, this game was released for PC and then the Android version was introduced to meet the demands of the players. This game is very unique it is developed by Bennett Foddy. It reached over 2.7 million downloads, people around the world loved the concept. In October 2017, a famous platform video game was released – Getting Over It With Bennet Foddy. What is Getting Over It With Bennet Foddy? Have you ever thought about ascending a mountain using only a hammer? If not, then try out your hands in this video game. Take up full control of your character and begin the journey.

There are so many things in this game that you need to explore. Getting Over It is a jumbled world, every step can be very challenging and the never-ending puzzles will bother you. If you are into adventurous games and never like to give up then this might be the perfect game for you. Getting Over It is a perfect game that defines the real struggles and what lies after that.